Welcome to Den’s LVAD

This Blog is a look at the journey of our family while living with an LVAD patient. For those that don’t know…an LVAD is a Left Ventricular Assist Device. It is a pump that is implanted into the apex of the left ventricle with an output tube that is connected to the aorta. The device does the work that the heart should be doing if it is working properly.  I hope that the memories and my thoughts posted in these pages give hope to someone facing this and solace to anyone that is in a similar situation. Our hope when Den had the surgery was to have one more really good year. That way he could see his youngest daughter graduate from grammar school….He did that! We are now  past that date and everyday is a struggle. I don’t know where this journey will end, but I hope you will come along for a little of the ride. I have written this like a journal. It starts in November of 2015 with the post “How It All Started”. I have tried to stay true to the story and give you most of the nitty-gritty details…I have left a few of the really gross details out….trust me, you don’t want those images haunting your nights! As I continue to write about our journey, I have come to realize, the emotions and pain are still fresh…more than two years later. I am trying to stay a little ahead in posts. That way, if Den has a problem and I cannot write my weekly post, you will still get the story. Don’t worry, I will add extra posts to let you know what is happening right now…if there is anything to report.

Please know this blog is not a ploy for sympathy or money. We just want his story out there for others to know. Feel free to follow us and share your own stories in the comments. Thanks to everyone for their support and for sharing our story with others who need to know that they are not alone.

Don’t forget to follow us to get the whole story and updates on how Den and the family are doing on our journey with his LVAD.

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1 thought on “Welcome to Den’s LVAD

  1. I love your blog and can’t wait to hear how Denny is doing. Love Marilyn

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